Covid -19 police state: Excuse for the new tyranny

Get ready for the complete and permanent abolishment of your rights. Right now it is being done under the guise of safety, but in the near future all pretensions will be gone.

Now that the pigs that feed at the troughs of power have had a taste of totalitarianism,they will not be satisfied until they gorge endlessly.

Remember… Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

As of the first “Stay at home” order our constitutional rights have been abridged, if not entirely suspended

But here is the rub; Rights are not theirs to abridge or suspend

No more egregious thought could be promulgated by the Govt. or their denizens of so called ” Public servants”

Yet daily it is

The thought, being spread as fact, comes down the bureaucratic pipeline as smoothly as any order of the politoboro

It is almost as if tyranny has been creeping in while we were too busy prospering to notice

Creeping through the courts

Creeping through the state and local Govts.

Creeping into our lives slowly and insidiously like an opaque fog

Until finally we are enveloped and isolated in muffled darkness

We have no voice because it is illegal if we resist




Obey or pay

Everything has become illegal, by some statute ordinance or order

An army has been amassed around us to enforce it

State, federal and local

Federally funded police Depts. with U.S. military supplied vehicles and weapons

Swat teams assigned and funded to almost all federal agencies

The Postal service

U.S. Fish and wildlife service

National park service

Dept. of energy

Dept. of Education



And more

We awoke one day and were surrounded in our own country

And now the end game is here

That’s right, not tomorrow

Not maybe

Today and now

When Cops are telling people that their rights are suspended

Health Depts. are issuing decrees on whether or not you can have life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness

A local board of barely elected Commissioners suddenly feel empowered to run your life and issue bans and orders

Judges who decree however they want regardless of law flagrantly violate their office

State Govts. tell you if you can meet, go out in public, go to church or do any other thing

Yes, it has arrived

This is no state of emergency

This is a state of Tyranny

We are captives now of the police state and not obeying orders will get you arrested

It is not time now for fear

There is no place for cowardice

The future will not belong to the timid




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